Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Explosion in the Sky

This dream by far is one of the most dramatically short dreams I've ever had, but also the most beautiful sub level signs my inner self has ever given me mainly because its main symbol of focus was the stars, one in particular. It reminded me of another dream I had when I was still in high school where I was able to see the Sun in my dream! It wasn't a cartoon solid yellow version of the Sun either! No, no! It was the ACTUAL Sun! spinning complacently with its surface eruptions and its high altitude gamma infused flames. In THAT dream the Sun seemed to be a couple feet away from me. I was able to feel a small warmth but nothing harmful. Having the astrological sign of  Leo and its "planet" BEING the Sun, I have to take the symbol to heart, but that dream is dating back almost 10 years ago. Significant events in my life stay with me regardless of time so its no surprise to me that I can remember that far back, so I cant factor out a possible connection between the memory of that dream and this one. who knows?

The first sequence of my recent dream was a scene of my friend and I talking about astrological symbols, their meaning, and how they correlate with our daily lives. A strange coincidence that astrology would be once again so easily and intricately place itself in my dream. We then continue talk about how being born under a certain star means being born with the certain traits that star may uphold. take for example the Sun and its heat giving nature and as a result being born under the Sun (like me) one would hope be raised as a warmhearted person. she then vanished in the blink of an eye and with another blink a new male friend appeared where she once stood making the same had gestures while finishing a sentence my previous friend was saying as if it was him and he was there from the begining and we were suddenly outside my house with beers in our hands looking up at the night sky yet still talking about the horoscopes and the nature of things and how our collective consciousness affects quite literally everything. Humorously enough the talk we had was so inspiring that even within my dream I went into a quick daydream psychosis for a few seconds. My eyes trailed off away from him and away from the conversation. Just as he noticed my drifting away he's eye lids fell down like the face of an anime character after hearing a bad joke and so I felt bad. "AAh dont worry about it, where was I...?" well right before I could reply In shock and amazment my friend grabbed my shoulder and pointed to a specific spot in the night sky. "BRO YOUR MISSING IT MAN LOOK!!" he shouted. I looked at the amazement in his eyes then turned my head towards the direction of his finger. Time stood still for a few seconds noticing in my periphery as his hand slowly falling back down. A blank expression shrouds my face just as my heart drops then suddenly filled with a certain greatness as a star goes supernova right before my subconscious, dreaming yet still awake eyes. The earth from underneath me and everything around me was pushed miles away from me until I became a spec in a sea of the vast emptiness of space meanwhile watching beautiful, ASTONISHING cosmic dust particles and their shades of yellow, blue, green, and everything in between; slowly, intricately, ROMANTICALLY interlacing and dispersing their  "enriched guts" (as Neil deGrasse Tyson would put it, or as an old friend of mine would put it, "it spread like aids in the 90's, bad pun i know im sorry) taking over every inch of sight my eyes could comprehend. Only there was no sound or sound delay from the explosion just visual. I felt close enough to reach the dead star so I reached out with my right hand to try and touch the cosmic dust to connect and embrace what ever knowledge could be unlocked just by a simple feel then I finally woke up. End of dream.

Going backwards starting with the Supernova, its said that to have dreamed of one will have either both a positive and or a negative interpretation and meaning to your waking life. Being destructive in nature, a supernova can mean that you are going through destructive experience or that you are experiencing what could be shattered hopes. Alternatively the brilliance that is a supernova can also represent new hopes about to be transpired and that even though going through this negative experience it will all work out in the long run. To see stars in your dream symbolize excellence, success, aspirations or high ideals. You are putting some decision in the hands of fate and luck. To dream that you are moving in slow motion suggests that you are feeling powerless, anxious or frustrated. You are currently going through a hard time in your waking life and experiencing tremendous stress, which is almost immobilizing you. Standing in front of a supernova would have made anyone feel powerless im sure! To read or speak about the horoscopes in your dream indicate that you are expressing some concerns about your future. Consider the significance of the astrological sign. What does the horoscope says or mean and how it can be applied to your waking life. The dream may offer a significant message or some advice. so be sure to pay close attention. To see or drink beer in your dream represents happiness, fogginess, or inspiration. It also indicates that you have quite a social life (if not just for the moment).

Well this concludes this portion of my blog. I hope that by reading my dream interpretations you can start to get a better understanding as to why you have YOUR dreams and I hope they always serve as a helpful, positive guide to your waking lives. One love and until we dream again! 

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